Another promising show for the Fall 2010 lineup. The Cape is a series about a father and police officer Trip Faraday, played by Ryan Wynott, whose framed for a crime, because he is the only cop in the department who is not corrupt. Trip somehow survives a devastating crash in which everyone believes him to be dead and meets up with a circus promoter who teaches him how to become the comic book hero "The Cape". He gives him a mystical cape made of spider silk, that is stronger than teflon and lighter. This cape is used to do everything. Just as Batman uses his utility belt to fight crime, so does the "The Cape" with, you guessed it, his cape. The amazing thing about The Cape is that he does not have super powers. He merely knows how to use the cape in ways to fight corruption. He is a normal guy, much like Bruce Wayne, who knows how to use the tools presented to him to do good. This show looks like it could be very promising as Comic Book Fever spreads through Hollywood from the movie industry to the television industry in the Fall lineup.
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